Did you know that strawberries are one of the dirtiest fresh produce items out there? When strawberries are grown they contain multiple chemicals and pesticides in order to grow them year round. According to the Environmental Working Group,
The average American eats about eight pounds of fresh strawberries a year – and with them, dozens of pesticides, including chemicals that have been linked to cancer and reproductive damage, or that are banned in Europe.
The Environmental Working Group

On top of the pesticides that are used in the soil farmers also use poisonous gases on the soil to kill every weed and to “sterilize” their fields. California keeps track of the amount of chemicals and pesticides that are used on farmers fields.
California data shows that in 2015, nearly 300 pounds of pesticides were applied to each acre of strawberries – an astonishing amount, compared to about five pounds of pesticides per acre of corn, which is considered a pesticide-intensive crop.
The Environmental Working Group
This information is terrifying because that is a large amount of chemicals and pesticides that people are eating and they think they are making a healthy choice by eating strawberries!
When buying strawberries it is important to buy organic! Invest in your health because good quality food is healing to the body!