Nutrition coaching is a new service available through Clean Life Family. Nutrition coaching consists of twelve sessions that are tailored specifically to you, to learn how to eat for life. “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” Nutrition and healthy eating is the same way! If you never learn how to eat for life, you will never know any different! The importance of healthy eating habits is not only for your own personal health, but also the generations to come after you.
Oftentimes I get women in the office that are of child bearing age and want to become as healthy as possible before having a child. I help them learn how to heal their body from the inside out and I look closely at what their diet consists of. The diet that a woman eats has an impact for generations to come. But don’t think that makes men get off the hook! It is also very important that dads are healthy before having a child, because the fathers health has a bigger impact on the placenta than the mothers health!
Now back to eating for life! Dr. Francis M. Pottenger Jr. MD. performed a study with three different groups of cats that appeared to be healthy upon starting the study. Their diets were closely monitored and not altered during the study. It was found that the healthier the cats ate the healthier their offspring were.
It was found that cats who ate raw milk and raw meat flourished the best and had healthy offspring for generations to come. The group of cats that were fed pasteurized milk and cooked meat found that over time the health of the cats degenerated, and they had a higher chance of developing arthritis. Another group of cats were fed sweet and condensed milk and cooked meat, were nervous all the time and eventually only gave birth to still born kittens.
After the study was completed Dr. Pottenger nursed the cats back to health, but it was a lot of work to regain the cats’ health. It took four generations of a raw food diet for the sick cats to regain their physiological structure and flourish. This study shows how important nutrition and diet is not only for you, but for future generations to come.
Learning how to cook and eat for life also not only helps you, but it also helps your entire family that you are cooking for. If one person in the family is making healthy choices it will have a ripple effect for the whole family. That is why nutrition coaching sessions are delivered by phone or zoom call from the comfort of your own home.
Like all services at Clean Life Family nutrition coaching is tailored towards your specific goals, because as we know no two people are the same, so no two programs are the same. Every program is personalized specifically to you! Are you ready to learn how to eat for life? Are you ready to help your family and improve their nutrition as well? Are you ready to heal your body from the inside out for future generations to come? Contact Clean Life Family to get signed up for nutrition coaching sessions today! 218-248-7014 or
Clean LIfe Family is currently located in Gilbert, MN but will be opening a new office in Hibbing, MN starting June 1st, 2021! Clean Life Family specializes in Nutrition Response Testing® which is a type of muscle testing that analyzes your body to find out what areas may be causing problems. Then a personalized wellness program will be created based on your body’s needs to help you heal your body from the inside out!
Brianna Lofquist is a Registered Nurse, Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner, and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner at Clean Life Family. If you are interested in learning more about healing your body from the inside out please call 218-248-7014 Check out our Facebook page @cleanlifefamily
Check this article out in the Hometown Focus!
Brianna Lofquist, RN, BSN, CECP
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
Clean Life Family
Call or text 218-248-7014
Follow us on facebook @cleanlifefamily