What you eat has an impact on your bones! Are you concerned that your bone health may not be top notch? Does osteoporosis run in your family? You need to be on the lookout for what you eat because it has an impact on how strong your bones are!
If your diet is high in ultra processed foods like pizza, candy, pop, chips, hot dogs, and cereal you have a higher risk of having health problems. A recent animal study showed that a diet high in ultra processed foods weakened bones and showed an increased risk for fractures. The more ultra processed foods you eat the higher the risk you have for obesity and other health conditions.
In order for your body to heal and repair it needs the right building blocks. The right building blocks consist of organic healthy whole foods that are nourishing to the body. The more whole foods you eat the better the building blocks you have for repairing your body.
Research has shown that Vitamin K has been linked to bone and heart health. Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin and it helps drive calcium into your bones. Vitamin K also helps to prevent hardening of your arteries which is important for heart health. Most people don’t get enough vitamin K in their diet so supplementation may be necessary.
Vitamin K can be found in
Collard greens
Salad greens
Brussel sprouts
In order to absorb Vitamin K it is important to eat some healthy fat with it.
Ideas to add healthy fats include,
Avocado to your salad.
Butter or avocado oil on your brussel sprouts.
Olive oil salad dressing.
If you would like to see if your body tests good for supplements including calcium and vitamin K contact Clean Life Family today.
Clean Life Family is located in Hibbing, MN. Clean Life Family specializes in Nutrition Response Testing and Nutrition Coaching. All services at Clean Life Family are tailored towards your specific goals, because we know no two people are the same. Every program is personalized specifically to you! Are you ready to heal your body from the inside out for future generations to come? Are you ready to learn how to eat for life? Are you ready to help your family and improve their nutrition as well?
Brianna Lofquist is a Registered Nurse, Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner, and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner at Clean Life Family. If you are interested in learning more about healing your body from the inside out please call 218-248-7014
Brianna Lofquist, RN, BSN, CECP
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
Call or text 218-248-7014
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